Ecodidactica, an educational project for sustainable development
From 2016 to 2019, Green Echoes Association, in partnership with Naccon GmbH from Germany, is implementing the Ecodidactica project, financed by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU.
The project aims to improve education and awareness on nature and environment of children, youths and adults during outdoor activities.
Furthermore it will enhance the sustainable development of tourism products in sensitive landscapes or/and protected areas in remote rural areas of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania through the implementation of an innovative and action oriented education programme and the development of a long distance hiking trail “Via Carpatica” with local, regional and national stakeholder and partnerships.
Project objectives
Enhance ecological appropriate behaviour for outdoor activities for school kids, volunteers and tourists in order to reduce the impact of nature-based tourism.
Support ecotourism development as a tool of nature education and of sustainable development for local communities with a concept for the long-distance hiking trail “VIA CARPATICA”.
Increase the awareness of the public on ecosystem services and environmental friendly behaviour during outdoor activities.
Strengthen the capacity of Ecouri Verzi and other multipliers to provide environmental education/training programmes and to run efficient volunteers’ programmes.
Main associated partners
German Alpine Club, CETM Albamont
Throughout the project we have collaborated or consider collaborating with organizations like Harta Verde România, Clubul de Cicloturim Napoca, Trascău Corp, Fundaţia Potaissa, Natura Transilvaniei, Asociaţia de Ecoturism din România, SpeoBrad and other mountain clubs and environmental NGO.
Project activities
In order to achieve the project goals, we have activities in two main areas: education for sustainable development and activities for the long-distance hiking trail Via Carpatica.
For more details about the activities, we invite you to download the project flyer here or feel free to write to us at