Insects world

Students of three grades from the “Eugen Pora” Theoretical High School in Cluj-Napoca were introduced into the wonderful world of insect educators for nature from Green Echoes. They were fascinated by the techniques of attacking and defending insects in our country, how they camouflaged, and last but not least, they […]

Stop to pollution!

Even when they play, children can pollute water, air and soil through their actions, often not knowing they are harming nature. Students from the Special Technology High School for Hearing Defects have identified actions of children polluting water, air and soil. Students have realized that nature laughs if we use […]

Lynx Passport

Although they wanted very much, the students of the 3rd grade of the “Gheorghe Lazăr” National Pedagogical College from Cluj-Napoca could not see the shine lynx. Instead, after studying the picture carefully, after having informed about their favorite menu and having identified fingerprints left in the snow, they managed to […]

A beautiful transformation

Delicate wings in thousands of colorful colors that fly on fragrant flowers. There are butterflies! Where did they come from? Small pearls come out of small pebbles, which eat leaves all day. Then there is the great transformation, the butterfly comes out of the cocoon, with its wings still wet, […]